List of Articles

MedPharmRes. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2025

Review Article
Updated biomarkers for extracellular traps from neutrophil, monocyte, and M1 macrophage in neutrophilic asthma: a narrative review
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):1-16.
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Original Article
Prevalence of overexpressed resistance nodulation division (RND) efflux pumps of Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing nosocomial infections in several hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):17-28.
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Surgical treatment for biliary obstruction in patients with painful chronic pancreatitis and a dilated duct: choledochojejunostomy or biliopancreatic tunneling?
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):29-38.
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Eye lens dose survey for medical staff in interventional cardiology: preliminary results
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):39-48.
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Optimization of the synthesis reaction and establishing the reference standard of Fenofibrate impurity C (USP)
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):49-61.
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Effects of internet addiction and smartphone addiction on the sleep quality of students of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City in 2023
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):62-73.
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Validity and reliability of the Vietnamese version of the readiness for interprofessional learning scale
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):74-83.
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The Clinical Frailty Scale version 2.0: Translation and defining reliability in Vietnamese older patients
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):84-94.
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Antifungal and antitumor activities of cellulose-degrading myxobacteria isolated from soil in Vietnam
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):95-105.
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In vitro activities of leaf and root extracts of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):106-120.
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Influence of formulation and punch properties on sticking in the tableting process
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):121-133.
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Case Report
Reversal of third-degree atrioventricular block in a long-term dialysis patient by temporary transvenous pacing: a case report
MedPharmRes 2025;9(1):134-140.
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